About us

Founded in 2019, the Media Ecosystems Analysis Group (MEAG) is a non-profit organization conducting media analysis research and educational activities.

MEAG is associated with the Media Cloud project and open source tool suite, developed at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.

We are a non-profit organization conducting media analysis research and educational activities.

Founded in 2017 as the Media Ecosystems Analysis Group, MEAG is associated with the Media Cloud project and open source tool suite. The Media Cloud project was initially developed at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and incubated at the MIT Media Lab.

Helping organizations learn to more effectively use communication and media in support of social change, public health, and human rights agendas.

Our story

Founded in 2019, the Media Ecosystems Analysis Group (MEAG) is a non-profit organization conducting media analysis research and educational activities. MEAG is associated with the Media Cloud project and open source tool suite, developed at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.

As an educational organization, MEAG also works towards building up the nascent field of cross-platform, computational media analysis, and hosts the annual Exploring Media Ecosystems conference series to that effect.

Our team

Emily Boardman Ndulue


Emily Boardman Ndulue


Emily is the senior researcher on the Media Cloud project. She has special research interests in media representations of race and gender and discourse on health in news and social media. Emily holds an M.S. in Health Communication from Tufts University and is based in Massachusetts.

Eno Darkwa


Eno Darkwa


Eno has an interest in the intersection and impact of policy, research, and community organizing and collaboration on marginalized communities. Eno’s career goal is to utilize skills and knowledge gained from her professional experiences and academic background to foster various research and educational collaborations with communities and national agencies. Eno holds a Master’s in Social Work (MSW) from Columbia University School of Social Work and resides in New York.

Ethan Zuckerman


Ethan Zuckerman


Ethan is an internet pioneer, educator, and researcher, focusing on the use of media as a tool for social change, the role of technology in international development, and the use of new media technologies by activists. He is a founder of MEAG and the Media Cloud project, and is currently an associate professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Ethan has a degree in philosophy and is based in Massachusetts.

Fernando Bermejo

Executive Director

Fernando Bermejo

Executive Director

Fernando is the director of research for the Media Cloud project, as well as President and Founder of MEAG. He is also profesor asociado at IE University in Madrid, and a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University. Fernando holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, and an M.A. from the Annenberg School for Communication (University of Pennsylvania) and is based in Denmark.

Hal Roberts


Hal Roberts


Hal is the creator of the Media Cloud and a founder of MEAG. He is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. Hal holds an M.S. in Science and Technology Studies from Virginia Tech University and is based in Tennessee.

Lorrie LeJeune

Operations and Finance

Lorrie LeJeune

Operations and Finance

Bringing a diverse background in science, technology and communications to the Media Lab, Lorrie managed the Communications and Special Projects teams. Prior to her communications role she managed the Center for Civic Media, edited the Media Lab's Journal of Design and Science, and connected the dots for a range of other Lab-wide initiatives. In previous professional incarnations Lorrie was a process development scientist in the bio pharmaceutical industry; an acquisitions/development editor, marketing manager, and cover illustrator at O’Reilly Media; a senior editor at Nature Publishing Group; and Manager of Programs at the Boston R&D lab of mobile network operator Orange S.A.

Rahul Bhargava

Technology and Research

Rahul Bhargava

Technology and Research

Rahul is an educator, researcher, designer, and facilitator who works on data storytelling and technology design in support of social justice and community empowerment. He was previously the CTO of the Media Cloud project, and is currently an assistant professor at Northeastern University in the College of Art, Media, and Design. Rahul holds an M.S. in Media Arts & Science from MIT and is based in Massachusetts.

Our values

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Faucibus varius pellentesque eget

We analyze attention, framing, narratives, and influencers in the media ecosystem for a selected topic. Analysis can include social media networks as well as global news media.


Faucibus varius pellentesque eget

We analyze attention, framing, narratives, and influencers in the media ecosystem for a selected topic. Analysis can include social media networks as well as global news media.


Faucibus varius pellentesque eget

We analyze attention, framing, narratives, and influencers in the media ecosystem for a selected topic. Analysis can include social media networks as well as global news media.


Faucibus varius pellentesque eget

We analyze attention, framing, narratives, and influencers in the media ecosystem for a selected topic. Analysis can include social media networks as well as global news media.

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